

James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and it shall be given. The first thing we have to do is to acknowledge that we LACK wisdom. Many times we make a decision based on past experiences. Been there, done that and because it worked out we’ll try it again. Just because we are Christians, doesn’t mean we will automatically make the wisest decision. The Scriptures speak of carnal Christians who yield to the flesh and not the Spirit. We must not lean to our OWN understanding but acknowledge God for the answer needed that only He can supply.

A sister asked me to pray for her that she would know the truth about a situation in her life. I told her I would pray she ask God for His wisdom because without wisdom the truth, even a Scripture, can be interpreted erroneously. Scriptures spoken out of context or not in love will not help a situation. Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the PRINCIPLE thing. May we be humble enough to admit our lack.

Ginny I.