Give Thanks

Give Thanks

Thanksgiving Day is coming up soon, however I have noticed that most stores go from Halloween to so called Christmas and skip Thanksgiving. Their so called Christmas decorations exclude Jesus. But back to Thanksgiving. Have you ever been given a compliment or a gift and did not say thank you? Maybe you didn’t feel you deserved it or felt unworthy so you did not accept it.

There are hundreds of Scriptures pertaining to a thankful heart which brings forth a harvest of joy. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says in everything give thanks for this is the will of God.  The proof that we have received is that we say THANK YOU. We have opened our heart and hands so there is no need to beg or continue to ask for what we have already obtained.

I am thankful to receive correction, instruction, answers to prayer, remission of sin, power, an inheritance of all gifts I do not deserve or am worthy to receive, but offered from a loving God. THANK YOU.

Ginny I.