Time management has never been my specialty. If you attend the “10 am” service with me on Sundays, this comes as no surprise. I used to blame my kids when they were little, but now I blame Becky (yes, I just threw the pastor‘s sister under the bus).
Seriously, though, my middle initial is L and, I confess, it should stand for “late”. But, with summer here, there’s a lot less to be late for – it’s a relaxing break from school schedules and deadlines. The beach beckons me with warm sun, cool breeze and soothing waves.
To me, the description of God in the above verse brings that kind of peace. From everlasting to everlasting, You…are…God. Before He created anything, He was everything. And still is. He’s the keeper of time, never late, though it can feel otherwise. He knows all, sees all, hears all. And to top that off, He has fashioned a plan, a good plan, for my life. Resting in God’s sovereignty is like summer, all year long.
But, oh, how the seasons can throw us off! Not everyone enjoys summer. When life hurts, we begin to question God. I’d venture to say Moses, who wrote Psalm 90, had lots of questions. His identity went from royalty of Pharaoh’s line, to son of a Hebrew slave, to murderer on the run. Yet, these events compelled this former prince to become a shepherd, ultimately training him to lead God’s people out of Egypt. Life is full of ups and downs – seasons of joy, tragedy and triumph (and all the dry, desert places in between). Is that God’s plan? Let me answer that question with a question. Are you walking with the Lord?
The path we take is a direct result of our walk. Sure, we’ll encounter unavoidable obstacles, but how we respond is our choice. When we live for the Lord, we don’t have to worry about missing His grand plan because…God, himself, is the plan. Before I was fashioned in my mother’s womb, my days were fashioned for me, and the joy of eternity together starts here. We were made for fellowship! That’s just open conversation and interested listening. As we walk with God, He reveals timely opportunities designed just for us, and protection along the way. Sounds perfect, right? But, honestly, we do tend to struggle with listening. “Not me”, “not now”. Moses made excuses too. Wrong turns only occur when we head off the beaten track, to go our own way. And disobedience is what kept Moses from entering the Promised Land.
As naturally as a dog returns to his vomit, or a freshly washed sow to the mire, so do fools return to their folly. (So the old proverb goes). As much as I love dogs and pigs, I don’t want to be one. That’s why connection is so vital. God’s wisdom is eternal. At what age or stage could we ever outgrow God’s instruction? We’re no mystery to God, and neither is the pride that leads us to think we know better. That sin goes way back. Satan would have us believe the Bible is outdated and irrelevant, that there’s a better “modern” way. But God sees beginning to end – He saw the 21st century long before anyone stepped into it. We need His truth to recognize and combat the lies of the enemy. The Bible isn’t old-fashioned, it’s God-fashioned and that never goes out of style!
The more we grasp the depth of our Creator’s love, and become familiar with this Designer’s amazing work, the easier it becomes to trust Him. Of course, as with Moses, there will be times of mud sliding, maybe even a season of wallowing, but if we truly seek God for forgiveness and direction, He is faithful.It’s why we can safely say, “You are my God. My times are in Your hand.”
The beauty and freedom of a God-fashioned life can be experienced at any point on the path. Do you dream of distant shores? Invite God for a walk. More fulfilling than any beach is the warmth of His love, the refreshing of His Spirit, and the calm of His voice. Be intentional. Spend time together. That’s “the plan”, and I don’t want to miss a minute of it!
SHINE always,