Submit onto the Lord

What an amazing week it has been in our lives, the Lord has continued to show His presence. Just a week ago, He gave us provision over our newest addition Mila Andrea and what a moment it was to just look into her eyes and pray over her as I praised the Lord for bringing her to us healthy and safe.

It was one of those moments that struck me differently; it honestly was such a moment to take in and reflect on where the Lord pulled me out of. This birth has really helped me to remember the sovereign mercy and grace that is continuously extended to me. Throughout the births of our children, I have always been unable to submit unto the Lord in fullness. Thus, leaving me in discord with Him in addition to my wife and family. It was not until recently that I started to understand a more profound parallel to the verse of Ephesians 5:22: Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord that the Holy Spirit showed me the deeper connection that existed in this scripture.  

There are many times I read that verse and took it at face value only to finally have the Holy Spirit show me where I fall into the context of this verse. Dave Palestine would say it like this “Male, female, married, or single, we are all called to fear Christ and live to a servant position posture.” The scripture reminds us that we are, in fact, the bride (wives) to Christ. Under this parallel, I am called to be submissive to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and under His leadership.  

I reflect back and can start to understand where there was much of a disconnection. A. W. Tozer would say much to the effect of this, “We want the thrill of being filled but often don’t want to meet the conditions that come along with it.” I often love to pray for a filling of the Holy Spirit. I pray to walk in His strength and to do His will; I am not sure if I am the only one, but if I am being honest when I look back, I did not always like some of the terms of the agreement that came with that filling and those small compromises were steps of disobedience in my life. Until over a year ago, I now see that I failed to submit to Christ as a wife would submit to her husband’s leadership. 

As the word has washed over me, I can understand the unconditional (agape) love that He has for His children and as hard as it is to believe, even me. This understanding manifested a willingness of natural submission to His authority and leadership over my life. For the scripture says Ephesian’s 2 “10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” I have only recently discovered I can only walk in this truth when I am allowing Him to continue to complete His work. 

As Psalms 119:18 says, “Open my eyes that I may see the wonderful things in your law.” This awakening vertically is why horizontally, my life and my marriage, the way I raise my children now, and relationships are forever impacted.  

So I ask, the next time you pray for a filling of the Holy Spirit, are you ready to pay the tab when the call to obedience comes knocking?

Frank D