Friends For Life

Adults With Special Needs

Loving Our Special Friends

Friends for Life is a ministry designed to serve adults with special needs ages 22+.

Our values are simple, and biblically-based:

  • We believe that our friends with disabilities play an essential role in the church and in their community.
  • We desire that our friends be encouraged to serve in the ways in which God has gifted each of them.
  • We believe that our friends should be with same age peers.
  • We desire that our friends be involved in a faith community that will encourage their growth for the rest of their lives.

We ask that each attendee have a registration form completed so we are informed of any potential concerns or needs. Download the Registration Form here >>

>>Friendly reminder, there will be NO Friends for Life on Friday, February 14th.

Friends for Life February Event-


>>Friday, February 21st at 7pm to 8:15pm in Suite 14 for a Game Night and Parent Bible Study.

Come out and join us for a night of fun games for our friends and we invite parents and guardians to stay for a time of fellowship and Bible study. The study will be easy to follow along so everyone is welcome to attend! It will be a nice time to have our friends and parents come together! 


Please sign-up below so that we know you will be joining us for this fun event!!



Friends for Life Game Night