Acts 2: 1-4 (NKJV) When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

We (my husband and I) recently had the opportunity to lead the College and Career ministry with hosting the Good Friday service. This year our theme was “My Revival”. The definition of revival is to take something that was once dead, and make it alive. Working on a Cardiac Critical Care Unit I’ve personally seen those that needed to be revived. Our team could “run the code” with perfection, yet we are unable to revive the patient, and then other times we may have everything against us and the patient survives. The theme through all of this is that it’s out of our hands.  God is in control.

With all that I’ve seen in the medical field, nothing compares to the point of one’s own personal revival through Jesus Christ. If that relationship is not sought after daily it’s easy to be mixed up in what the world has to offer. We need to remind ourselves of the point in our lives when we were filled with the Holy Spirit. The point of salvation. If you have experienced salvation then you can remember when it took place. Luke describes Pentecost in Acts and even though we may not have flames over our heads, we are ignited by a fire inside of us. Overwhelmed by the feeling of the Holy Spirit! But if we allow that feeling to go dormant, or allow this world to replace our relationship with our Lord then we start to have hardened hearts and dry bones. In a sense, unable to be used by God.
So, I challenge you to ask yourself this: What is my revival? When did I ask Jesus to help revive me from my wreckage?

At Pentecost, the disciples were not well received by everyone. There were some in attendance that couldn’t believe what they were seeing. They assumed that they must be drunk from wine or just going crazy. Those that do not know Jesus Christ as their personal savior may see your new-found life in the same way. That’s our opportunity to show them who Christ really is, not crazy but changed by grace. Our words and actions reflecting the love we have in our hearts. Actions that show we: forgive the unforgivable, love the unlovable, serve the rejected, and showing joy through the pain. Push on and don’t allow the opinions of others to hold you back from what Christ has done in your life.

Christ does not discriminate by age. He can use you at any season of your life. Whether you are a new believer or a believer for decades. We just need to let go of ourselves and allow Him to take over. Be alive and allow the Holy Spirit to give you “utterance” (an act, process, or means of putting something into words). You never know who is listening with a heart ready to be revived.

– Jessica Previglian