Ladies Craft Event
Fun and Fellowship
Saturday, July 23rd

The Women’s Ministry is inviting all ladies to join us for a fellowshipping and crafting event. Ladies will be painting and styling a wooden sign to take home with them. There will be 5 different sayings available to select. Ladies will need to register prior to the event and pick out the design they would like to create. The sign sizes are 12″x12″ or 17″x7″.
Join us on Saturday, July 23rd at 11am-2pm in the Fellowship Hall.
The cost of this event is $20 which covers all the materials needed.
*Registration for this event is now closed* Please understand, we will not be able to accept ladies the day of the event who did not pre-register.
Please note, there will be no refunds for this event since materials will need to be purchased beforehand.
This will be a great event to fellowship together while creating a sign you will enjoy!! We look forward to having you join us on July 23rd!
Samples of the 5 different design choices are below. You will be able to pick the color of your background, white or black lettering and have primary colors available to use on your design.