
God’s Restoration

Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love, is an area both rich and diverse in culture. One of the beautiful things about Philadelphia is the many sites it has to offer. At times, it is something I often have taken for granted being from the city itself. On occasion, I have taken a stroll into Center...

October 24, 2019July 14, 2021by

Faith + Patience

Mark 5:21-43 Reading through the gospel of Mark recently I had made a note to come back to this chapter and these verses. Let me just say, I am not a reader. I don’t like it. I sound like my 8 year old when it’s time to do homework. I’ve just always been this way...

October 24, 2019July 14, 2021by

Good God, Not Such Good People

Our role in life is to share the gospel; to share God’s Good News. However, the opening word of the gospel message is “Repent!” And that word is our first challenge. You see, the good news is only good if people want to be rescued. If they do not think they are sinners, then the...

October 24, 2019July 14, 2021by

Getting a Grip on Letting Go

Ever pick up a handful of sand and let it sift through your fingers? Maybe you’ve done the same thing with water, or you wanted to take a drink and by the time your hands made it to your mouth you had very little water left. Clinching your hand may hold things tight but too...

October 24, 2019July 14, 2021by

Sowing and Reaping

Recently I’ve had the opportunity to serve in the Revive Ministry. If you are unaware of this ministry, we go to Kensington once a month to serve the homeless and addicted population with physical and spiritual nourishment through the love of Jesus Christ. Each time out is filled with many new experiences, and the opportunity...

October 24, 2019July 14, 2021by

Big Mouth

“But I say to you that for every careless word that people speak, they will give an accounting for it in the Day of Judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matthew 12:36-37). We open with this admonition from Jesus not to condemn anyone, but...

October 24, 2019July 14, 2021by

Dying to Know

Funerals. Nobody likes ’em. Sometimes we’ll attend even when we didn’t know the dearly departed, simply out of love or respect for the ones left grieving. These funerals are somewhat easier because there’s no personal grief involved – you didn’t live daily life together. There’s no storehouse of memories weighing down the mind, crushing the...

October 24, 2019July 14, 2021by


If ever asked the question, “How do you see yourself?” I often wonder how I would answer such a question. At face value, it seems broad, but at the heart of it, a deep self-reflection would need to occur. I would dare to think that this question would elicit different answers as people at every...

October 24, 2019July 14, 2021by

If Jesus Called Me Here, Why Am I Sinking?

Matthew 14. Let’s set the scene… There’s much happening. John the Baptist is beheaded, Jesus feeds thousands with some fishes and loaves, then we find Peter walking on water towards Jesus. I point out this context because, if you read it in its entirety, it speaks to the heart of Christ that after He loses...

September 12, 2019July 14, 2021by

A Simple Prayer

The most recent tragedies have led my devotional to be a simple prayer. I have reflected on one verse in particular and know that only God and his endless love and mercy can restore us. “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from...

September 12, 2019July 14, 2021by